Thursday, December 9, 2010


Show me your thesis and get feedback before the weekend!
Introduction paragraphs need 5 components:
1) Hook (rhetorical fragments, anecdotes, statistics, startling statements, etc.)
2) Background information about your historical event
3) What do different groups say about this event?
4) What are their motivations?
5) What is the lasting significance or impact of this event?

Introduction presentation with sample (PDF): Printer-friendly version of slides

Seminar: Is America in a state of moral corruption and decline? If so, to what extent do the entertainment and music industries contribute to the loss of morality?
Read and discuss "What Really Ails America," by William Bennett, pgs. 443-446 of the McGraw-Hill Reader and "'F*** You' from the Music Industry" by Dennis Prager, along with the accompanying comments.

Introduce Annotated Bibliographies: DUE MONDAY!
HW: Read "Is Your Online Identity Spoiling Your Chances?" "YouTube Vigilantes," and "82 Percent of Kids Under 2 Have an Online Presence" in preparation for tomorrow's seminar. Bring your 8 research sources/notes for me to check. Begin working on your annotated bibliography, which is due Monday.

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