Wednesday, December 17, 2008

AGENDA 12/17

Peer Revision Protocol:

First, the author of the draft responds to the following on a separate sheet of paper--
1) What are you happiest with regarding your draft?
2) What part do you want help with?
3) What are you already planning to fix/revise?

Next, give your paper and your "Quick Check" to a partner, who will read both your "Quick Check" and your draft and then answer the following as a response to your "Quick Check":
1) What is the most persuasive/convincing part of the paper? (Give page & paragraph number)
2) Where does the writer address counterargument(s) -- and if the paper does not fully refute/explain the counterarguments, please give guidance!
3) What part is hardest to follow?
4) What part is especially well-written?

HW: Finish up research papers--final & rough drafts due tomorrow or Friday! See Final Checklist for Researched Argument Papers to make sure all requirements--formatting, content, and style--are met. Bring ID cards and The Crucible books for our textbook room trip tomorrow. Tomorrow, we begin Adventures of Huckleberry Finn!

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