Thursday, March 13, 2008


Spring Break Homework:
Finish Huck Finn
Complete 3 rhetorical terms entry for Huck Finn:
1) Free Choice Device: Colloquialism, Colloquial Diction, Dialect, etc.
2) Two entries on a humor device: pun, dramatic/situational/verbal irony, personification, euphemism, hyperbole, understatement/litote
Larger Meaning:
1) What is Twain using this device to satirize? What folly/flaw in human behavior is Twain critiquing? Why does he include this scene? What larger point does it allow him to make?

Chapter 22 Multiple Choice Practice
Discuss Sherburn/Boggs and Sheperdsons/Grangerfords

Homework: Revise slavery letter: add stylistic devices if you haven't already (see "10 Steps to Sexier, Sassier Sentences" handout) BRING TWO COPIES of your letter and an envelope and stamp (or one copy if you are emailing, as a screenshot before you sent the email)

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