Thursday, February 7, 2008


Grammar Warm-up: Active/Passive Voice
Discuss and analyze Ch. 1 of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass together as a class:
- Why does he begin his narrative by explaining that he does not know his birthday?
- What contrasts and comparisons does Douglass set up immediately?
- What else seems significant?
Discuss and and analyze excerpt from Chapter 2 in small groups:
- Why does Douglass use passive voice?
- What other rhetorical techniques do you notice?
Report out

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1) Bring $5 before next Wednesday if you would like to purchase a copy of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (optional--but this book has the helpful footnotes). 2) If you will be missing class on Tuesday 2/12 for the Marine Bio Field Trip or for any other reason, you MUST come by after school on Friday or Monday for one hour to watch the first half of the documentary that you will miss on Tuesday!

HW: Read chapter 7 of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and be prepared to discuss. Finish annotating article related to education and complete evidence log for tomorrow.