Monday, September 29, 2008


Vocabulary warm-up: The Grapes of Wrath
Color-marking introductory paragraphs--switch with a partner and highlight, in four different colors, author's name, title of book, rhetorical techniques, and purpose(s) of chapter. If your partner's paper is missing any of these required components, jot him/her a little reminder!

Examine and discuss "In the Fire" by Roger Angell
What are Angell's arguments or points he makes about the catcher?
What rhetorical techniques does Angell employ to help him make these arguments?

HW: For Thursday, write 2 paragraphs, each on a separate rhetorical technique, for your The Grapes of Wrath intercalary chapter essay. For Tuesday, October 7th, get your independent reading book and read the first 50 pages. Study for your vocabulary quiz (words from The Grapes of Wrath AND Enrique's Journey), which will be on Wednesday, October 8th.

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