Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Group Activity: Share & reflect on baseline essays
Complete Writing Priorities surveys - then rank #1 and #2 on the back
REMINDER: Assembly tomorrow--come to class for attendance and to drop off bags, then we'll head to Barnum Hall together

HW for Friday: Select and write down (or type) ONE significant quotation from Enrique's Journey and ONE significant quotation from The Grapes of Wrath. Create 3 thoughtful questions to launch our discussion (the questions may relate to either book, and do not have to be linked to the quotations...although they can be if you wish.)

REMINDER: Supplies check Friday!
3-ring binder with 5 sections: Current Unit, Vocabulary, Grammar, Writing, and Independent Reading
notebook paper
blue/black ink pens
current books: Enrique's Journey and The Grapes of Wrath
Optional: 3x5 index cards for vocabulary, post-its, highlighters

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