Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Monday, September 29, 2008


Vocabulary warm-up: The Grapes of Wrath
Color-marking introductory paragraphs--switch with a partner and highlight, in four different colors, author's name, title of book, rhetorical techniques, and purpose(s) of chapter. If your partner's paper is missing any of these required components, jot him/her a little reminder!

Examine and discuss "In the Fire" by Roger Angell
What are Angell's arguments or points he makes about the catcher?
What rhetorical techniques does Angell employ to help him make these arguments?

HW: For Thursday, write 2 paragraphs, each on a separate rhetorical technique, for your The Grapes of Wrath intercalary chapter essay. For Tuesday, October 7th, get your independent reading book and read the first 50 pages. Study for your vocabulary quiz (words from The Grapes of Wrath AND Enrique's Journey), which will be on Wednesday, October 8th.

Friday, September 26, 2008


Introduce nonfiction independent reading list

Begin writing introductory paragraphs with thesis statements for The Grapes of Wrath intercalary chapter essay papers
Introductions should include:
  • author's full name (John Steinbeck; elsewhere in paper just use his last name)
  • title (underlined or in italics, if typed)
  • the rhetorical techniques you intend to focus on in the paper
  • the purpose(s) of the chapter
  • the mood, larger meaning, or argument that the rhetorical techniques help convey
  • NOT a bunch of plot summary
Use the Getting Started questions I shared in class to help you.

HW: Get nonfiction independent reading book & read first 50 pages by 10/7. Write introductory paragraph for your GW intercalary chapter essay that includes a thesis and have it ready on Monday.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Finish introducing new vocabulary from The Grapes of Wrath.

In small groups, examine the "model paper" for the Intercalary Chapter Essay Assignment. Deduce all you can about both content and formatting requirements, then discuss as a whole class.

If time permits, draw chapters from the Bag of Destiny. Remember, "the wand chooses the wizard"--so it's your destiny to write about the chapter you pull from the bag. Try not to be too querulous or cantankerous if you don't select the chapter you were dreaming about! Find others to commiserate with rather than becoming truculent with Pust, please! :-)

HW: Begin reviewing your assigned intercalary chapter if you drew your number in class. No matter what, bring your copy of The Grapes of Wrath to class tomorrow--this will be invaluable to you!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Introduce new vocabulary from The Grapes of Wrath
Presentation by Ms. Wax-Gellis: School policies regarding suspensions and expulsions

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Prepare for Back-to-School Night by writing "Back-to-School Night Letters" to your folks...see you tonight at 7 pm!

HW: none :-)

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Assembly: Sonia Nazario

HW: Select and write down (or type) ONE significant quotation from Enrique's Journey and ONE significant quotation from The Grapes of Wrath. Create 3 thoughtful questions to launch our discussion (the questions may relate to either book, and do not have to be linked to the quotations...although they can be if you wish.)

REMINDER: Supplies check Friday!
3-ring binder with 5 sections: Current Unit, Vocabulary, Grammar, Writing, and Independent Reading
notebook paper
blue/black ink pens
current books: Enrique's Journey and The Grapes of Wrath
Optional: 3x5 index cards for vocabulary, post-its, highlighters

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Group Activity: Share & reflect on baseline essays
Complete Writing Priorities surveys - then rank #1 and #2 on the back
REMINDER: Assembly tomorrow--come to class for attendance and to drop off bags, then we'll head to Barnum Hall together

HW for Friday: Select and write down (or type) ONE significant quotation from Enrique's Journey and ONE significant quotation from The Grapes of Wrath. Create 3 thoughtful questions to launch our discussion (the questions may relate to either book, and do not have to be linked to the quotations...although they can be if you wish.)

REMINDER: Supplies check Friday!
3-ring binder with 5 sections: Current Unit, Vocabulary, Grammar, Writing, and Independent Reading
notebook paper
blue/black ink pens
current books: Enrique's Journey and The Grapes of Wrath
Optional: 3x5 index cards for vocabulary, post-its, highlighters

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Baseline Essay - Enrique's Journey

HW: Supplies check on Friday--make sure you have everything:
3-ring binder or folder with 5 sections: Current Unit, Vocabulary, Grammar, Writing, and Independent Reading
notebook paper
blue/black ink pens
The Grapes of Wrath
Optional: post-its, highlighters, 3x5 index cards for vocabulary

Monday, September 15, 2008


Share out OPTIC photos and observations from Friday
Rhetorical analysis practice: Passage from Enrique's Journey, page 162-163
Mark up text, share with a partner, analyze as a class
Sample essay writeup of passage

HW: Prepare for tomorrow's baseline essay by reviewing your notes from today and the sample essay writeup. Bring blue/black ink pens and notebook paper. Remember, the baseline essay is simply diagnostic--you'll earn 10 points "just for playing." This will allow me to see what your writing skills are like early in the year.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Vocabulary Quiz - Enrique's Journey list
Finish discussing photograph from yesterday using OPTIC strategy
Flip yesterday's handout over for a blank OPTIC sheet

Begin analyzing another one of the color photos from Enrique's Journey using OPTIC:
Complete O, P, T, and I on the sheet--bulleted notes or fragments are OK (no need to write complete sentences until the Conclusion paragraph. Conclusion paragraph can be on a separate sheet if needed and should be approximately 5-8 sentences long, essentially answering the question, "What idea or argument does the artist/photographer convey through this image?" Be sure to include specific details from the image in your analysis.

HW: Complete OPTIC analysis if not finished in class--due Monday. Complete & submit Enrique's Journey Summer Assignment by next Thursday.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Vocabulary Practice - EJ Voc Warmup #2
Reflect on yesterday's Immigration Field Hearing Activity
Introduce OPTIC strategy to analyze cover photo for Enrique's Journey
Blank OPTIC handout
Directions for analyzing images from Enrique's Journey and sample OPTIC sheet
HW: Study for tomorrow's vocabulary quiz! Download the Enrique's Journey vocabulary list.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Immigration Field Hearing Activity Presentations
Groups A-E present
Group F: listen to presentations, ask questions, and ultimately vote on which of the eight immigration policy proposals seems most effective

HW: Study for Friday's vocabulary quiz