Tuesday, November 22, 2011

AGENDA 11/22

TIMED ESSAY: Rhetorical Analysis - Ed Abbey, excerpt from Down the River

HW: For WEDNESDAY, bring the following:
1) Today's body paragraph, color-marked like Pust's sample
2) Reflection questions answered, stapled to the back
3) Clean copy of your revised paragraph (revise based on color-marking between now and Wednesday to incorporate the things you said you needed in your revision)
4) A SECOND body paragraph(s) section discussing a different source or discourse community, with all of the above components in mind (it should already be "revised" to meet the components we highlighted for)

For MONDAY, bring a THIRD body paragraph section.

NOTE: I will distribute Uh-Oh slips to anyone who does not have these items on Monday. If you are absent on Wednesday, you will automatically get an Uh-Oh slip if you do not have the items complete and with you at the start of the period on Monday.

1 comment:

jaylen watkins said...

Thanks for posting the other helpful links.

Sample Analysis