Thursday, March 31, 2011


happy birthday to me!
Presentation by College Counselors: Mr. Frank Gatell, Ms. Rosa Mejia, and Ms. Julie Honda
Link to PowerPoint by College Counselors
Additional Notes:
Think about college application process as another class: it has deadlines, testing, essays due, etc. Keep that in mind when scheduling senior classes.
It's a good idea to take SAT and ACT in the spring of junior year
Start thinking about where you'd like to study and what you'd like to study.
Think about potential "safety," "target," and "reach" schools
Target schools - 60/40 (there's a 60% chance you'd get in)
  • UCLA received 61,000 applications for freshmen (it only has 8000 spots available)
Consider whether you want semesters or quarters (semesters - 15 week classes, quarters - 10 week classes)
  • UC Berkeley and UC Merced are on semesters; rest of UCs are on quarter system
Recommend applying to 9-12 schools
  • Stanford Early Decision receives 30,000 applications for approximately 1700 spots
  • Can only apply early decision to ONE school (it's binding)
  • Visit colleges! Contact Freshmen Admission Office or Campus Tours to set up a tour of the campus and find out about overnight stay programs (often you can stay overnight in a dorm room and really get to see the campus more fully by talking to those who go there!)
  • Begin work on your college essays! (Shameless self-promotion: Consider taking the Personal Statement workshop I teach at UCLA: Click here for more information
  • Study for the SAT, ACT, or SAT Subject Tests!
  • Do meaningful internships, community service, camps--anything that will give you something to write about and enjoy!

Q & A:
  • How many times to take the SAT or ACT? Three. No more.
  • For the subject tests, what do we take? Whatever you are currently preparing for in APs, but make sure you prepare and get materials to know what to expect, because some of them differ (like the SAT Subject Test for English - it corresponds more closely with the AP English Literature course that seniors take. See me for details!)
  • How does the application process differ for art programs or music conservatories? There are two application processes in most cases--you'll need to do the regular application plus submit a portfolio, audition, etc. and the deadlines are often BEFORE the regular application deadlines. Each school differs, so talk with your college counselor as soon as possible!
  • Can house principals or Ms. Baxter write the letter of recommendation "from a counselor"? Yes! Most private schools that request two letters of recommendation want one from a teacher in a core subject area (English, mathematics, social studies, or science) and will want one from a counselor or principal.
  • Can the College Center help with applications for international schools? Yes!

HW: Synthesis TW tomorrow. Study for Tuesday's grammar quiz over pronouns. Extra help for pronoun ambiguity (also called "faulty pronoun reference"). Extra help for pronoun case. Extra help for pronoun-antecedent agreement (this also includes pronoun consistency help). We'll do one more pronoun review on Monday and pick up with our satire/humor unit then. Start bringing Vonnegut books on Monday.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Review answers from multiple-choice passage 7 and sample AP questions
Watch The Story of Stuff and complete viewing guide
Discuss impact of Leonard's choices in small groups

HW: Complete multiple-choice passages 8 and 9. Allow 20 minutes, then review your answers and look up/learn any unfamiliar words or terms in the passage, questions, or answers. Chart your progress on your purple half sheet. Be prepared to review tomorrow!

1. C
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. D

1. C
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. E
7. D

Friday, March 25, 2011


Grammar Practice: Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
Finish logical fallacies posters

Watch and discuss clips from Super Size Me:
hasty generalization: director Morgan Spurlock shows five 1st graders pictures of famous people (George Washington, Jesus) and can only identify Ronald McDonald
sentimental appeal: portrayal of McDonald's, Pepsi, and Hershey cartoon tycoons vs. the skinny Five-a-Day Fruit and Vegetables guy to show discrepancy in direct media advertising

and Bowling for Columbine:
false analogy and faulty causality (post hoc ergo propter hoc): director Michael Moore interviews a Lockheed representative about the messages that a Lockheed weapons facility sends to the young people of Littleton

HW: Complete the two practice multiple-choice passages. Allow yourself 20 minutes. Then check back here for the answers and compare. Look up any unfamiliar words or terms and be ready to discuss on Monday!

Passage 7
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. E
6. A
7. D
Sample Questions
34. C
35. C
36. A
37. D
38. B
39. A
40. B
41. C
42. D
43. E

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Logical Fallacies Practice and Review
Posters: In a group of 1-3, create a poster to explain one logical fallacy. Include the fallacy's name, correctly spelled and in large letters, an illustration, and a caption that shows the fallacy in action.

Extra credit opportunity: create a song to help us remember the logical fallacies and their meanings! Use six different fallacies and give examples or explanations within the song to help us learn them. Due by Thursday, April 7th.

HW: Commonplace Books Assignment due tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Finish Logical Fallacies PowerPoint
Notes for Logical Fallacies PowerPoint
Practice identifying logical fallacies in groups
Review and discuss purpose/problems of logical fallacies

HW: Commonplace Books Assignment due Friday.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Continue Logical Fallacies PowerPoint
Notes for Logical Fallacies PowerPoint

Review Commonplace Books Assignment
Remember: Current Events for Commonplace Books Assignment should be news stories from reputable sources published within the last 90 days!
Sample Commonplace Books Assignment

HW: Commonplace Books Assignment due Friday!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011


Grammar Practice: Pronoun ambiguity and consistency review
Multiple-choice: Review answers for "China" passage
Begin Logical Fallacies PowerPoint
Notes for Logical Fallacies PowerPoint
NOTE: Period 2 went through sentimental appeals
Period 3 reached ad hominem arguments
Period 5 reached bandwagon
We'll continue this on Monday!

HW: None...enjoy it while it lasts...

Thursday, March 17, 2011


EAP Essay

HW: Complete the multiple-choice practice passage on "China" (take approximately 12 minutes), then go back over the passage and look up any unfamiliar vocabulary or terms. We'll review this tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Prepare for tomorrow's EAP essay - bring a pencil!
Read and discuss Topic 1 and read sample essays
Review scoring guide for EAP essay

HW: Read the sample essays for Topic I and/or for Topic II and Topic III, and prepare as needed for tomorrow. You'll receive a multiple-choice AP passage in class tomorrow to complete before class on Friday. Please allow approximately 12 minutes to complete the multiple-choice passage, then spend time looking up unfamiliar words or terms that occur in the multiple-choice passage or questions/answers.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Grammar practice: pronoun ambiguity #1
Partner share: paragraphs and thesis for King Lear prompt

Introduce EAP Argument essay - letter to families about Thursday's essay test

HW: Read Topic I and write an introduction paragraph (hook + thesis). Brainstorm evidence--what have you read, seen, or experienced that would help you prove your point?

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Understanding Toulmin Arguments:
Practice thinking through the process of reasons/data, claims, and warrants with ideas from the Thomas "Mistakes" prompt and the Gabler "Entertainment" prompt

If time permits, begin logical fallacies lesson or complete multiple-choice practice.

HW: 3 paragraphs of The Great Gatsby rhetorical analysis essay due before the weekend. Please attach your clean, revised copy at the front, and staple your color-marked drafts from earlier this week (along with your revision plan) to the back, along with your annotated (previously graded) passage.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


CAHSEE Special Schedule

The Great Paragraph Switch:
A) Give your body paragraphs to someone to read. That student should read your FIRST body paragraph only and respond, as a reader, asking questions about anything that is confusing. Next, check the opening claim of the paragraph to make sure it contains the necessary components: the first OR second sentence of the paragraph should contain the author's name, a literary technique or rhetorical device, and a purpose (in order to ______). Then, the student should begin to color-mark your FIRST paragraph only.

1) first color: highlight all instances of the rhetorical device or technique's name in the passage. Synonyms should be highlighted (my sample paper refers to both "interrupted sentences" and "dashes"). Label this color "rhetorical technique."

2) second color: highlight all instances of the author's name (Fitzgerald). Be sure it is spelled correctly and capitalized. If the student uses a pronoun (he) that refers to the author, highlight that, too. Label this color "author's name."

3) third color: highlight all direct quotations. Check to see that they do not BEGIN sentences. If a quotation begins a sentence, write "introduce w/ meaningful 1/2 sentence" in the margins. Check the punctuation of direct quotations--commas and periods should go INSIDE quotation marks. If it is the FIRST instance of the quotation, the quotation should NOT have a comma or period and instead should be followed by the page number in parentheses, with the period AFTER the citation.
Also, check to see that the student has given a "sentence-length" quotation (longer quotation with a citation) BEFORE listing individual words. After the quotation, the student should return to the quotation and discuss individual word choices made by the author. If the student has NOT returned to the quotation to discuss individual words/short phrases, write "discuss connotations of individual words" in the margins. Label this color "direct quotations."

4) fourth color: argument verbs. Highlight all instances of argument verbs, words like: reveals, suggests, shows, states, describes, depicts, illustrates, emphasizes, exposes, and so on. Next, check the TENSE of these words--they should all be in present tense (suggests) or present progressive tense (is suggesting). If an argument verb is in past tense, label it by writing "present tense!" in the margins near the word. Label this color "argument verbs."

5) fifth color: link to theme and purpose. Highlight all phrases or sentences that link back to the original purpose established in the claim (in order to _____). These are typically found in the opening and final sentences of paragraphs, and sometimes after discussing connotations of individual words. Label this color "link to purpose/theme."

B) Give the student's paper to another student sitting in a different region of the class. That student then repeats step A and 1-5 for the SECOND body paragraph.

C) Return the paper to the original student.

D) Original student should then read over the comments and color-marking. Then, list 3 revisions you will make to your paper based on today's activity. Be specific! Sample revisions:
1) I will vary my argument verbs because I used "suggests" 3 times in one paragraph
2) I will discuss connotations of particular words after direct quotations, and talk about why Fitzgerald used "a national figure" and "jumping"
3) I will add page numbers in citation after my direct quotations and will move the commas to the inside of quotation marks.

HW: For Thursday, incorporate these revisions and print out a clean, revised copy of these two paragraphs, with this color-marked draft and your revision plan stapled to the back. Add to the clean, revised copy a third paragraph (introduction OR another body paragraph), keeping in mind these same comments.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Super-monster-ultra vocabulary quiz over both lists from The Great Gatsby
Work on body paragraphs for your rhetorical analysis essay on a passage from The Great Gatsby
Vocab List #1
Vocab List #2
Write two body paragraphs for your Gatsby rhetorical analysis essay - due Monday.
Pust's sample paper on a passage from Ch 1 of The Great Gatsby
Handout to help you write your body paragraphs

Multiple-choice practice (if time permits)

HW: Period 2- two body paragraphs due tomorrow; a third paragraph (body or intro) due Thursday
Periods 3 and 5 - three paragraphs due Wednesday (two body paragraphs and an introduction or three body paragraphs)

Friday, March 4, 2011



HW: Study for ultra-monster-super vocabulary quiz over all 45 Gatsby words--quiz Monday!
Vocab List #1
Vocab List #2
Write two body paragraphs for your Gatsby rhetorical analysis essay - due Monday.
Pust's sample Gatsby paper on passage from Ch 1
Handout to help you write your body paragraphs this weekend
Word search and vocabulary review for Monday's quiz
Words for the word search:

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Continue to work on "Mistakes" prompt - share paragraphs and tips for tomorrow's timed essay
Discuss format of body paragraphs for rhetorical analysis essay on The Great Gatsby
Pust's sample paper on The Great Gatsby, passage from chapter 1

HW: Prepare for tomorrow's timed essay and study for Monday's super-monster-ultra vocabulary quiz
Word Search to review words from Part I
Crossword to review words from Part II

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Introduce "Mistakes" prompt
Handout to accompany and scaffold "Mistakes" prompt
Chart out Thomas's Claims, and reasons why you might Defend or Challenge

HW: Write two body paragraphs to support the thesis you created for the "Mistakes" prompt and bring them to class tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Field trip to see Redwood Curtain at the Broad Stage