Friday, October 31, 2008

AGENDA 10/31


Finish PowerPoint: Logical Fallacies
Review logical fallacies practice from Wednesday
Independent reading groups: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos handout

HW: Read the first half of Act II of The Crucible.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

AGENDA 10/30

Logical fallacies practice
Begin independent reading handout : part I independently
Begin reading Act II of The Crucible

HW: Finish reading independent book for tomorrow's group work!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

AGENDA 10/29

Vocabulary quiz
Logical fallacies practice handout - label each of the fallacies using your notes from the PowerPoint

HW: Begin reading Act II of The Crucible

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

AGENDA 10/27

Timed Essay: Synthesis

HW: Finish reading Act I of The Crucible and the excerpt from Everything's an Argument on logical fallacies. Study for Wednesday's vocabulary quiz, and finish indie reading book by Friday.

Friday, October 24, 2008


The Orange County Register has done a followup story, including a tribute to Ezra written by his father, Micah. Check it out here:

Again, thanks so much to all of you for your support, love, patience, and kindness during these difficult times. I am honored to be your teacher, and I appreciate the many ways that you are consoling me this week--working with you all is a joy and a comfort.


AGENDA 10/24

Examine sample synthesis essays on flag burning prompt in preparation for Monday's timed essay
Read Act I of The Crucible aloud

HW: Finish reading Act I of The Crucible, and read the excerpt from Everything's an Argument, "Flashpoints of Argument" for Tuesday. Prepare for Monday's timed essay on synthesis.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

AGENDA 10/23

Review synthesis prompt - flag burning
Read and annotate source packet

HW: Write one body paragraph using the flag burning prompt. Bring The Crucible tomorrow. Be finished with independent reading book by 10/31.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

AGENDA 10/22

multiple-choice practice

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

AGENDA 10/21

Read Act I of The Crucible aloud

Study guide for Act I of The Crucible

HW: Finish reading independent book by 10/31. Study for vocabulary quiz.

Monday, October 20, 2008

AGENDA 10/20

Finish introducing new vocabulary: Logic Unit
REMINDER: Track your participation in your Participation Logs!

Introduce & discuss synthesis essay: flag burning amendment prompt
Plan a 2-sentence response--defend, challenge, or qualify the claim that the Constitution should be amended to specifically prohibit the burning or desecration of the American flag, and provide one reason to support your thinking

*Submit evidence log/current event if you did not submit it in class on Friday.

Begin reading Act I of The Crucible--we read pages 3-6 in class and will pick up with that tomorrow.

HW: Study vocabulary for quiz next Monday. Continue reading independent book--only 11 days remain until Halloween, when your indie book must be finished!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

AGENDA 10/17

PowerPoint: Rhetorical Appeals
Guided notes: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

Complete the "primary appeal" section of your evidence log and submit the evidence log/annotated current event to the turn-in bin

Thursday, October 16, 2008

AGENDA 10/16

Logic Unit vocab warm-up #1

Complete Evidence Log --
1) re-read and annotate current event you brought 4+ times (highlighting/underlining alone is insufficient--you must write comments, like your reactions, questions, thoughts, and opinions!)
2) complete all sections of the Evidence Log in class tomorrow, EXCEPT the "primary appeal/fallacies" section

HW: Read McGraw-Hill Reader, pages 62-83 on Effective Arguments--be prepared to discuss & come with questions on anything you don't fully understand

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

AGENDA 10/15

Introduce Evidence Log for tomorrow--
1) re-read and annotate current event you brought 4+ times (highlighting/underlining alone is insufficient--you must write comments, like your reactions, questions, thoughts, and opinions!)
2) complete all sections of the Evidence Log in class tomorrow, EXCEPT the "primary appeal/fallacies" section

Continue to analyze and discuss "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"--what elements of Puritanism do you see? What rhetorical techniques does Edwards use to get his message across?

Introduce new vocabulary list for Logic Unit

HW: Read independent book--be finished by Halloween! Bring current event and evidence log back to class tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

AGENDA 10/14

Grammar Practice: Active/Passive Voice

Read, analyze, and discuss "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"
What elements of Puritanism do you see in this sermon?
What rhetorical techniques does Edwards use to get his message across?

Monday, October 13, 2008

AGENDA 10/13

Submit The Grapes of Wrath intercalary chapter essays: complete essay reflection sheet, attach to final draft. Put rough drafts behind final draft, then style revision & reflection sheet, then scoring guidelines and turn in! :-)

trip to textbook room to pick up copies of The Crucible. We'll begin reading the book on Wednesday, so if you are purchasing your own copy, please have it by then. (You can always check it out, then return it later.)

Introductory notes & predictions about The Crucible

HW: Continue reading independent reading book--be finished with it by Halloween!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

AGENDA 10/10

Review style requirements for The Grapes of Wrath intercalary chapter essay using Style Revision handout
1 semicolon
1 em dash (or more)
1 colon (up to 3, plus the one in the title--but remember, impact diminishes with each use!)
creative title, with a colon and a literal subtitle

Follow MLA requirements for formatting--see assignment handout if needed.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Vocabulary and visual analysis quiz

HW: Bring drafts on Friday for style revision and BRING INDEPENDENT READING BOOKS with the first 50 pages read and ready for discussion!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Visual analysis practice: Use OPTIC to analyze photographs from photo essay on Hurricane Katrina's aftermath. Complete O, P, T, and I with a group, then write a conclusion paragraph on your own.

HW: Study for tomorrow's vocabulary and visual analysis quiz.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Pass out scoring guide for GW intercalary chapter essays & discuss
Tips for conclusions:
Ask yourself--
  • What does this chapter reveal about human nature? What does it reveal about mankind?
  • What does this chapter say about American society or American values?
  • How do the ideas/arguments in this chapter relate to us today?
Pass out and discuss OPTIC Scoring Guidelines
Work in groups to finish OPTIC analysis of your group's Dorothea Lange photograph. Turn it in when finished, either at the end of class today, or in class tomorrow.

HW: Bring a revised, complete draft (introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion) that is typed to class on Wednesday. We'll be doing some activities to improve the paper's style. Staple your current rough draft to the back of the new draft, and the scoring guide you received today to the very back of the packet.

Continue reading your independent reading book--we've changed the deadline for the first 50 pages to FRIDAY. Bring your indie book to class on Friday and be prepared to discuss the first 50 pages.

Study for your vocabulary/visual analysis quiz, which will be on Wednesday. Part I will include vocabulary words from The Grapes of Wrath AND from Enrique's Journey. Part II will ask you to analyze and write a conclusion paragraph--the "C" from OPTIC--for an image. If you need help with vocabulary, visual analysis, or your Grapes of Wrath intercalary chapter essay draft, see me or email me ASAP!

Friday, October 3, 2008


Visual Analysis: Use OPTIC to analyze Dorothea Lange's "Migrant Mother" (1936) as a whole group

Small groups: Use OPTIC to analyze your assigned photograph
"Migrant Children"
"The Road West"
"I Am an American"
"Men in Fields"
"Men Standing, Arms Crossed"

We'll complete this group activity and present on Monday.

Return comments on body paragraphs
Overall comments:
  • Make sure quotations are introduced with meaningful half-sentences. Point out what we should notice in the quotation. Quotations should NEVER end paragraphs, and they should NEVER begin a sentence.
  • Avoid 2nd person. Revise out instances of "you" and "your" and change to first-person plural "we" and "us" and "our"
  • Avoid writing "the reader." Reframe the sentence to explain what Steinbeck illustrates, conveys, shows, or suggests rather than what "the reader" feels or experiences. Keep it about Steinbeck and his message, not about the reader and his feelings.
  • Check your formatting, and ask me if you need help with creating headers, setting margins, spacing, etc. Refer to the McGraw-Hill Reader and my sample paper for assistance.
HW: Get indie reading book and read first 50 pages by Tuesday, October 7 (bring book to class!). Study for vocabulary quiz--one week from today!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Holt Diagnostic Test

HW: Get indie reading book and read first 50 pages by Tuesday, October 7 (bring book to class!). Study for vocabulary quiz--one week from today!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Introduce Rhetorical Terms Project
Examine sample score of C and sample score of A
Discuss components of a rhetorical analysis body paragraph:
1) Open with a claim (Author uses _______ in order to ______)
2) Introduce evidence by pointing out what to notice before giving the direct quotation
3) Develop paragraph with analysis
  • determine which word from the quotation is the most important and explore its connotations
  • relate this quotation to the overall tone or larger meaning of the passage/book as a whole (larger meaning = author's argument, purpose, or theme)
HW: Two body paragraphs for your Grapes of Wrath intercalary chapter essay due tomorrow. Bring your thesis/introduction paragraphs as well. Get indie reading book and read first 50 pages by Tuesday, October 7 (bring book to class!). Study for vocabulary quiz--one week from today!